المعراج الى السموات
👉 Know fellow Muslims that what was intended by al-Mi^raj, the ascension, was to honor the Prophet by showing him the wonders of the upper world and to glorify his status. It is not as some claim that what was meant was for him to reach a place in which Allah resides. The Prophet did not meet with Allah.
📌 Creations meet with each other. Allah is clear of being in a place or a direction because He is not a body.
👉 Having boundaries and being in places are among the attributes of creations and Allah is not similar to His creations, as He said in surat ash-Shuraa:
{ليس كمثله شىء وهو السميع البصير}
The Verse means:
Allah does not resemble anything and He is attributed with Hearing and Sight.
📌 Hence, it is not permissible to pay any attention to the lies mentioned in some books that Allah came as close as a cubit or closer to the Prophet. This is blasphemy (kufur) and misguidance. It is not permissible to interpret the saying of Allah:
{ثم دنا فتدلى فكان قاب قوسين أو أدنى}
that Prophet came close to Allah in distance.
👉 Rather, these Verses refer to angel Jibril as Lady ^A'ishah indicated when asked about the Verses 13 and 14 of surat an-Najm:
{ولقد رءاه نزلة أخرى عند سدرة المنتهى}
She said Jibril drew near to the Prophet by two cubits or less because of longing for him.
📌 It is not permissible to attribute closeness in distance to Allah since this is an attribute of the creations who have volumes that occupy spaces and take up directions. Allah is clear of being in places and directions. This is a matter upon which there is consensus among all Muslims as Abu Mansour al-Baghdadiyy said, “It is agreed upon that He is not contained in a direction.” Allah existed eternally before places and directions without being in a direction or a place, and after creating place and direction, He still exists without a place and direction.
✏ And know fellow Muslims that the Speech of Allah is not like the creation’s speech. We speak with letters, sounds and languages. Allah’s Speech is not a sound, a letter, or a language. Letters, sounds, and languages are all created by Allah and are used by His creation. In the Qur’an, Allah made it clear that He does not resemble any of the creations.
And also it is not permissible to believe that the Prophet reached a place where he felt lonely and that Allah spoke to him in Abu Bakr’s voice. This is a fabrication in the religion, a misguidance, and likening Allah to His creation.
✉ Don't forget to share the true creed.🌻