We continue talking about the ascension through the skies.
🔸 The Prophet went up to the first sky on al-Mirqaat: a ladder. Its steps were one from gold and the other from silver.
✏Jibril asked for the door of the first sky to be opened for them. Every sky is a tangible body with a door.
🔸 In the first sky, the Prophet saw Prophet Adam who welcomed him.
🔸 Then the Prophet and Jibril ascended to the second sky. The door was opened. The Prophet said that the two cousins greeted him: ^Isaa the son of Mariam and يحيى the son of Zakaria. They both welcomed him and made du^aa’ for him to have good things.
In the same way, the Prophet continued ascending through the skies, meeting various prophets; each would greet him and ask Allah to grant him goodness.
🔸 In the third sky, he saw Prophet Yousouf.
🔸 In the fourth, he saw Idris then Haaroun in the fifth, and Mousaa in the sixth.
🔸 In the seventh sky, the Prophet met Ibrahim, who was leaning on al-Baytul Ma^mur.
✏Each day 70,000 angels enter this place and never come back to it again; this indicates the large number of the angels since the ones who entered previously will never enter again.
🔸 The Prophet was then taken to Sidratul Mountaha: a tree that he described as having leaves as big as elephant’s ears and fruits as big as jugs and with golden butterflies surround it.
✉ Don't forget to share the true creed.🌻