
Blog's owner


Name: Muhammad Taufiq Hidayat S.Ud, Lc
Place and birth place: Sukabumi, 09 Desember 1987
Address: Babakan Jampang 001/010. Desa Cisarua, Kec.
  Cikole, Kota Sukabumi
Mobile Phone: 085659511479
Email: emte_hi@yahoo.com
Blog: www.dpryes.blogspot.com

1997-1998: Madrasah Az-Zahidiyah, Sukabumi
1993-1999: SDN (Primary School) Kebonjati II Sukabumi
1999-2003: Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Secondary School), Daarul-Rahman
  Islamic Boarding School, Bogor
2003-2006: Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School), Daarul-Rahman Islamic
  Boarding School, Jakarta
2007-2011: SI (Undergraduate Program) Institut Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Al-
  Quran (PTIQ), Jakarta
2007-2011: SI (Undergraduate Program) Darus-Sunnah High Institute for
  Hadith Sciences, Ciputat
2014- 2015: Pendidikan Kader Mufassir, Pusat Studi Al-Quran (PSQ),
2013- now : Sekolah Pascasarjana (Postgraduate Program) UIN Syarif
  Hidayatullah Jakarta
  (Thesis is ongoing)
Teaching Division of Jamiyyatul Qurra  (2002)
Teaching Division of Tsanawiyah Konsulat Pasundan (2002)
Teaching Division of Aliyah Konsulat Pasundan (2004)
Teaching Division of Pusat Pon-Pes Daarul-Rahman (2005)
Coordinator of Teaching Division of Pusat Pon-Pes Daarul-Rahman (2006-2007)
Redaction team of Dakwah Ummat Bulletin “NABAWI”, Darus-Sunnah High Institute for Hadith Sciences (2007-2008)
Dakwah Division of Korps Mahasiswa Penghafal dan Pengkaji al-Quran (KOMMPAK) Institut PTIQ (2008-2009)
Forum Secretary of Diskusi Lintas perspektif (Perspective cross discussion) (FDLP) Rasionalika, Darus-Sunnah High Institute for Hadith Sciences (2009-2010)
Graduation committee secretary of Darus-Sunnah High Institute for Hadith Sciences (2008)
Redaction team ZULFIKAR Institute Bulletin PTIQ (2009-2010)
Dakwah coordinator of FoKUS (Forum Kajian Ushuluddin) Institut PTIQ (2009)
Internal Dakwah Division of Institut PTIQ (2009-2010)
Leader of  Ikatan Mahasantri (students association of  Darus-Sunnah High Institute for Hadith Sciences (2009-2010)
Islamic spirituality coaching and permanent Imam PT. PLN Papua and Papua Barat area (2011-2012)
Islamic youth-adult teacher in Kotaraja Jayapura (2012)
Arabic Score 513.0 (Certified TOAFL)
English score 463.0 (certified TOEFL)
National seminar“Penguatan Penghayatan Pancasila”, Organized by KEMENDAGRI (2008)
UIN Sharia Economic Event I-SEV, Organized by Uin Syahid  (2008)
Entrepreneurship Training, Organized by KMAPBS by LP3I Pusat (2009)
The High Seminar On “Religion in the contemporary word” Organized by UIN Syahid Jakarta (2009)
Halaqoh Imam Masjid dan Khatib, Organized by KEMENAG RI (2009)
Kiat Kiat Sukses Berwirausaha (Tips and tricks in entrepreneurship) Organized by FDLP Darussunnah (2009)
National seminar “Sosialisasi Wawasan Kebangsaan” Organized by DEPSOS RI  (2009)
National dialogue Anti terorism, Organized by DPP Formasi (2010)
Seminar Kebangsaan dan Rekonsiliasi Kemanusiaan, Organized by UIN Jkt (2010)
The High Seminar on “Islamic Philosophy and Mystism”, Organized by Graduate School UIN Syahid (2010)
High conference “Resistance and Accomodation : Law, Women & Property in Contemporary Indonesia”, Organized by Graduate School UIN Syahid (2013)
High conference “The Second Indonesia - Serbia Bilateral Interfaith Dialogue: Serbia Experience and Challenges in Religious and Cultural Harmony”, Organized by Graduate School UIN Syahid (2013)
Intensive training of Multimedia Al-Quran dan Hadith with Dr. A. Luthfi Fathullah, MA and team, Sukabumi (2014)

Teacher and Class teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Daarul-Rahman IBS Pusat, Jakarta (2006-2007)
Teacher in Madrasah Aliyah di Daarul-Rahman IBS Pusat, Jakarta (2006-2007)
Tim Pemantau Pemungutan dan Penghitungan Suara Pil-Pres (2009)
Volunteer Program of LAGZIS (Lembaga Zakat Infaq dan Shodaqoh), Jakarta (2010)
Volunteer Program of RZI (Rumah Zakat Indonesia), Jakarta (2010)
Dai in Jayapura delegate of  Darus-Sunnah High Institute for Hadith Science (2011-2013)
Imam and permanent Dai in Masjid PT. PLN Wil. Papua and west Papua area (2011-2012)
Instructor of Training Of Trainer (TOT) BacaTulis Al-Quran in Muara Tami area, Jayapura Organized by STAIN Al-Fatah Jayapura, Papua (2012)
Outstanding faculty and Coach of male and female dorm in STAIN Al-Fatah Jayapura (2012-2013)
Teacher in QMM Institute, Ciputat (2014-2015)
Dai in alumni preaching SMAN 60 Jakarta (every Saturday noon)
Dai in Baitur Rahim Kav. Sidomakmur Kaliabang Tengah in North Bekasi (every Sunday night)
Ambassador Dai of Dompet Dhuafa delegate in 2015
Private teacher


القرأن حجة لنا

Membaca Al-Quran secara rutin tiap hari dengan metode: ”فَمِي بِشَوْقٍ“ Setiap huruf yang tersebut menjadi simbol dari awal surat yang dibaca. Maka: - Huruf “fa`” adalah simbol dari surat “al-fatihah”. - Huruf “mim” maksudnya dimulai dari surah al-maidah. - Huruf “ya`” maksudnya dimulai dari surah Yunus. - Huruf ”ba`” maksudnya dimulai dari surah Bani Israil yang juga dinamakan surah al-isra`. - Huruf “syin” maksudnya dimulai dari surah asy-syu’ara`. - Huruf “waw” maksudnya dimulai dari surah wash shaffat. - Huruf “qaaf” maksudnya dimulai dari surah qaf hingga akhir mushaf yaitu surah an-nas. Channel


Literature Review

fikih (184) Tasawwuf (122) Local Wisdom (59) hadis (51) Tauhid (45) Ilmu Hadis (28) Bahasa Arab (25) Kebangsaan (23) Moderasi Beragama (22) Biografi (20) Tafsir (20) Al Quran (19) ilmu tafsir (2)


Total Tayangan Halaman


kongko bareng emte

Foto saya
belajar sepanjang hayat, santri berbahasa Arab dan Inggris dari Sukabumi Jawa Barat yang meretas dunia tanpa batas